By Edgar Mendoza on January 25, 2023
Category: Blog

How does the aeration process in wastewater treatment work to consume organics?

Aeration – or the addition of oxygen – is one of the most critical and energy-intensive processes in wastewater treatment, consuming up to 50 to 60% of the overall energy required by a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Aeration produces dissolved oxygen (DO) to facilitate the growth of microorganisms and is used across all stages of wastewater treatment.  

Finding the optimal amount of aeration directly affects wastewater treatment efficiency. Lower aeration inhibits the nitrification reaction in the system, resulting in low DO concentration and continually expanding sludge in the aeration tank. A greater aeration volume leads to higher DO concentration and increased air agitation and sedimentation of suspended solids. As the wastewater quality declines, treatment costs increase because of higher energy consumption.  

Below, we discuss the aeration process in wastewater treatment through primary, secondary and tertiary stages and why you need to partner with a team of experienced wastewater engineers to determine the proper aeration system for your local publicly owned treatment works (POTW).  

Aeration process in wastewater treatment 

In wastewater treatment, the aeration process brings water and air into close contact to oxidize dissolved metals and remove dissolved gases and volatile organic compounds. Aeration improves effluent quality during the following steps in the treatment process:  

Based on the treatment stage, effluent quality and the capacity of a treatment plant, the most common types of aeration systems used in POTWs are: 

Optimizing the energy consumption of aeration systems is a priority for WWTP operators. The mixers in aeration systems keep biosolids suspended once the desired oxygen level has been achieved in aeration tanks or digesters. This saves significant amounts of energy during additional mixing.

Some communities with smaller populations use lagoon systems for wastewater treatment, using variable frequency drives and DO meters to adjust the aeration process and lower utility bills. Determining the right aeration system to help lower your treatment plant's energy bills while addressing the effluent demand requires expert guidance from a team of wastewater engineers.

Partnering with a wastewater engineer to select the right aeration system 

At Fehr Graham, we understand the challenges municipalities face in designing aeration systems to treat wastewater per local effluent standards while optimizing energy consumption. From evaluating, planning and designing solutions to improve the efficiency of your community's POTW to helping you secure funding solutions for construction and upgrades, we can guide you to the best choices for effective and energy-efficient wastewater treatment operations. 

To learn more about how Fehr Graham can help improve the aeration process in wastewater treatment at your local POTW, contact us or give us a call at 815.235.7643.

Edgar Mendoza is a Water and Wastewater Operations Specialist. He specializes in process control of wastewater and water treatment facilities, wastewater collection sewer systems, pump stations, water distribution and storage systems. Contact him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 815.235.7643.