City Engineer: Center Point, Iowa


January 2014 to Present

» Main Street South connection.
» Sidewalk improvements.
» Water system improvements.
» Lewis Access Road reconstruction.
» North Lift Station improvements.
» Library parking lot and site plan.
» City Hall site plan.
» Fire Station site selection and concept planning.
» Stormwater Draining Report and Capital Improvement Plan.

Fehr Graham has worked with the City of Center Point, Iowa, on various projects throughout the years. Our experience with the City includes streets, water system, sewer system, parks, stormwater system, mapping and subdivision review projects. We have worked with City staff to develop and implement a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), which staff review annually with the City Council.

Fehr Graham also prepared a stormwater report, which is referenced in the project development and CIP planning. Developing this type of plan for our clients helps identify areas that require short-term attention and those items which should be targeted in long-term planning.

As City Engineer, we are on-call to address items as they arise. This can include water and sewer problems, availability of service to undeveloped lots or street issues.