Our brownfield development services

An expert overseeing wastewater treatment process at a plant

The environmental, economical, fiscal and energy benefits of developing brownfields represent immense potential for surrounding communities poised for growth. The cleanup process is cost- and time-intensive, however, and requires professional expertise to ensure successful outcomes for such extensive redevelopment projects.

  • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates the number of brownfields at more than 450,000 across rural and urban areas nationwide.
  • The U.S. EPA selected 227 communities to receive $147.5 million in Brownfields Assessment Cleanup Grants and Revolving Loan Funds.
  • Of the numbers projected for increased housing and jobs between 2013 and 2030, redeveloped brownfield sites could support 11%-13% of that growth.

Fehr Graham helps you gather information for a comprehensive analysis of brownfield sites before development. From conducting Environmental Site Assessments and performing due diligence on land transactions to developing remediation plans and securing funding and addressing regulatory issues, we help ensure successful outcomes for brownfield development.


We’re more than an engineering and environmental consulting firm.


Fehr Graham's Solutions

Fehr Graham addresses the unique challenges of redeveloping brownfields with custom-designed solutions. Our expertise in end-to-end brownfield development services makes us a one-stop resource for communities considering land remediation projects.


Learn more about what we do.

Our brownfield development services include:

/GrantWriting Grant Writing and Management
HazardousBldgMaterial Hazardous Building Materials
MergerAcquisition Merger/Acquisition Due Diligence
Phase1PropertyAssess Phase I and II Property Assessments
PlantClosure Plant Closure and Deactivation Assistance
StateFedVoluntary State and Federal Voluntary Cleanup Programs Coordination
SoilGroundwater Soil and Groundwater Investigations and Remediation Assistance
UndergroundStorageTank Underground Storage Tank Assessment and Closures

Close up of a wastewater treatment process at a plant

Benefit from our services

Our multidisciplinary team of environmental consultants and licensed contractors have worked with municipalities and developers on brownfield redevelopment projects for more than 20 years. With a depth of expertise and years of experience, our team helps ensure effective brownfield cleanup and development in compliance with EPA standards.


Learn more about who we serve.


With Fehr Graham, you can be assured you are making informed decisions through each stage of the brownfield redevelopment process and helping your community benefit from successful brownfield redevelopment. Fehr Graham is your go-to solution for all things related to brownfield development. Contact us to learn more about our brownfield development services or give us a call at 815.394.4700.

Contact Joel Zirkle