Grants help Galena Territory Association improve trails, water quality


August 2005 to September 2014


» Obtained permits.
» Coordinated agreements with local officials.
» Designed sedimentation pond.
» Secured grant funding.
» Prepared construction bidding document.

Fehr Graham has worked with Galena Territory Association over the years to help secure grant funds to improve its trail network and the water quality of the lake and watershed.

Our team provided planning, engineering analysis and design, and budgeting services. We also facilitated working agreements with Eagle Ridge, Guilford Township and Jo Daviess County Soil and Water Conservation District. We also secured permits and approvals from the Army Corps of Engineers, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and Illinois Department of Natural Resources. The partnership allowed the Galena Territory Association to preserve plant and animal habitats and maintain the natural beauty and recreational opportunities of the lake and surrounding property.

Our team stabilized the stream by regrading the slops and installing riprap and turf mats. Riprap consists of stones lining the bank to keep soil from eroding. Our team also used reinforced turf mats to anchor the soil with roots to keep water from washing it away as easily.

Our team designed and a sedimentation pond for dredging North Cove and related improvements near Cameron, Plum Cove and Eagle Ridge North Golf Course. Construction contracts were issued in 2014, and work was completed in fall 2016.