As part of a $210 million school update tax referendum project, the International Prep Academy in Champaign, Illinois, will be renovated and expanded to better serve the community. The school works to educate English and Spanish speakers through a dual language program. Champaign Unit 4 School District hired Fehr Graham to complete survey work and expansion plans.
Our team completed the survey work quickly, so the expansion plans could be started and approved. The School District is expanding International Prep Academy's cafeteria and replacing the library and gym. The School District is updating five other schools and three athletic fields as part of the referendum work. Plans were submitted to the School District quickly to ensure budgets for each school and athletic field could be determined and approved so work could begin. We used 3D scanners to quickly map out International Prep Academy's building and available space.
International Prep Academy is one of the School District's newest buildings, so it will be the last on the construction schedule. The fields will be completed first, and the older schools will follow. Designs were reviewed in 2020, and construction began in summer 2021.
» Completed survey work.