Lead service line replacement sparks template for future projects


The City of Monroe, Wisconsin, has 603 lead service lines. The City is taking a proactive approach by creating inventory plans and starting yearly phases to replace them.

The City hired Fehr Graham to complete Engineering Specifications and Documents to replace lead services in the community. Our team designed plans to remove 47 lead service lines along eight residential blocks and created a template the City can follow for future lead service line replacement projects.

We worked closely with City staff to update lead service line inventory records by reviewing plan documents. Fehr Graham also provided home inspection documentation and assistance.

Our team analyzed data to determine which streets had the most lead service lines. We worked with the City's Engineering and Streets Departments to cross reference street maintenance schedules before our team developed plans to target six prioritized locations. The coordination allowed the City to work around scheduled improvements to reduce construction to newly paved streets and roadways.

Once project locations were prioritized, Fehr Graham developed contract bid documents with plans, specifications, estimates, special provisions, maps, inspection documentation and quantities to replace the lead service lines. We completed permitting, including an environmental review and approval for selected sites.

We created a contract to cover various types of lead service line replacements where unit prices were set up for several types of replacements that could be encountered during construction. This gave the City flexibility to replace as many services as possible with budgeted money. This also ensured a fair and competitive bid among contractors and created a template for future lead service line replacement projects in the City.

Our team also provided construction engineering and inspection. We worked closely with the contractor, City staff and affected residents to complete home inspections and quantity measurements. Our team ensured all work followed contract requirements and City and state water quality standards. Our staff processed contractor pay estimates and coordinated with the public to ensure residents understood what we were doing to improve their neighborhoods.

By replacing 47 lead service lines, we eliminated any possible lead contamination and increased the water quality for citizens. 


  • Updated lead service line inventory records.
  • Developed contract bid documents..
  • Provided home inspection documentation and assistance.
  • Designed lead service line construction plans.
  • Completed all permitting, including
    environmental review.
  • Provided construction engineering and inspection.

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