Unlock potential: Master the EPA brownfields grant guidelines for funding opportunities

In 2023, the Environmental Protection Agency announced its third round of brownfield grants to help with assessment and cleanup projects to transform spaces.

Are you ready to transform an under-used space in your community? Last year, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced its third round of brownfield grants, totaling $235 million. It is anticipated that approximately 200 grants will be awarded through the Brownfields Program.

With this grant, the EPA partners with federal and state agencies, tribal nations and other EPA offices to fund multipurpose use, sustainable reuse initiatives, assessment and cleanup projects, job training, technical assistance and more.

Communities like yours are eligible to apply for these grants as direct recipients. The EPA annually publishes guidance for the application process. Below, we discuss the application guidelines in more detail and explain how partnering with Fehr Graham can help you secure funding for brownfield projects in your area.

EPA brownfields grant guidelines

Local units of government are eligible for this funding, but funding opportunities are also available for nonprofit organizations, regional planning agencies, etc. The following table highlights some EPA Brownfields Grant guidelines for the 2024 fiscal year. This information can help you gauge your suitability for brownfield multipurpose, assessment and cleanup grants.


EPA brownfields grant guidelines FY 2024

Brownfield Grant


Brownfield multipurpose grant

  • Eligible recipients: Local and state governments, native/tribal entities and nonprofit organizations. 

  1. Applicants must own the site where cleanup activities would take place. 

  2. The grant is appropriate for communities that have identified a discrete area with one or more brownfield sites. 

  • Purpose: To fund brownfield multipurpose use, assessment and cleanup projects. 

  • Funding amount: Up to $1 million in funding per grant. 

Brownfield assessment grant

  • Eligible recipients: Local and state governments, native/tribal entities and nonprofits. 

  1. Applicants can apply for only one communitywide assessment grant. 

  2. These grants are suitable for communities beginning to address their brownfield challenges or have ongoing efforts to bring sites into productive reuse. 

  • Purpose: To improve sites contaminated by hazardous substances, petroleum, contaminants and pollutants. 

  1. Funding is also available for other brownfield activities, including planning and developing site-specific cleanup plans and brownfield reuse plans. 

  2. A portion of the assessment grant funding must be used to conduct site assessments.  

  • Funding amount: Applicants may request up to $500,000 with a performance period of up to four years. 

  1. The cost of assessment activities should not exceed $200,000 per site. 

  2. After awarding the grant, the EPA determines site eligibility during the project period. 

Brownfield cleanup grant

  • Eligible recipients: Local and state governments, native/tribal entities and nonprofits. 

  1. An applicant must be the sole owner of the brownfield site to receive a cleanup grant. 

  2. An applicant can submit one cleanup grant application in the FY 24 competition cycle.  

  • Purpose: To facilitate cleanup activities at brownfield sites owned by the applicant.   

  • Funding amount: Applicants can request $500,000 to $5 million.

  1. Funding can be used for a singular brownfield site or allocated among multiple sites.

Apply for these grants through unique application links on grants.gov. Keep an eye on the EPA's How to Apply for Grants page to know the latest rules and regulations for this competitive financial assistance process.

Professionals at Fehr Graham can help you navigate the application process to secure funding for brownfield projects in your community.

Partnering with Fehr Graham to apply for brownfield grants

At Fehr Graham, we are committed to helping communities transform brownfields into economically and environmentally sustainable assets. Our multidisciplinary team has helped several communities across the Midwest in 2023, playing a significant role in securing six of the nine EPA brownfield grants in Illinois.

Let's revitalize your community together.

To learn more about EPA Brownfields Grant guidelines and how Fehr Graham can help secure funds for your community, contact us or give us a call at 815.235.7643.