Underground storage tank remediation: cleaning up soil and groundwater
Cole Lewis
As of March 2022, more than 566,000 underground storage tank (UST) releases were confirmed across th...
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Overview of regulation and treatment of PFAS in wastewater
Chris DeSilva
With more than 2,800 contaminated sites in 50 states, public concern about per- and polyfluoroalkyl ...
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PFAS remediation technologies for cleaning up soil and groundwater
Dillon Plamann
The high resistance of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemicals to heat, water and oil m...
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Cleaning up PFAS in Wisconsin: What steps are needed
Jennifer Buholzer
Earlier this year, the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board (NRB) approved state drinking water standar...
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Municipal wastewater treatment technologies: the primary stage
Edgar Mendoza
Conventional wastewater treatment involves several physical, chemical and biological processes to re...
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Key steps in a brownfield cleanup process
Ross Grimes
For brownfield sites, the specific contaminants and extent of contamination — unsafe levels found in...
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Evaluating total phosphorus in wastewater
Tom Glendenning
The total phosphorus amount indicates how much phosphorus — as dissolved or particulate states — exi...
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